Friday, 25 May 2012

SFFSat - May 26

Welcome to another SFFSat, where a bunch of us post snippets from our written works and shoot the breeze.  Thanks also to everyone who stops by and leaves awesome comments.  Much appreciated.

Today I'm going back to my WIP, To Catch A Marlin tale (a futuristic cat and mouse chase involving Special Inspector Michael Pedroni and the vigilante he chases, Jax Marlin...who he has become smitten with.  Well, Jax is quite beautifully exotic, as vigilante's go).

In this scene, Jax is on board the Beemer, a pirate space ship captained by her old friend Sagittarius (better known as Taris).

As they made their way to the bridge, Taris indicated to a dock hand to cut loose Mimosa’s ship and seal down the hatches.  “Well, it's midnight by my clock and we’ve all had our puds and cocoa already.  Don’t worry, Cookie saved you some when he heard you were coming back on board.  Made you a special...uh...garter cake.
          Jax chuckled.  "You mean, gâteau."
          "Eh?  Right, so it is.  Huh, hear you.  Just because you had some education, don't go all la-dee-dah on me."  Taris clicked his tongue and frowned.  "You know, I worry about Cookie.  Don't think pirating is his calling in life.  Spends too much time experimenting with the food."
          "He is the cook."
          "Yes, yes.  But he could show some initiative sometimes.  You know, like steal things once in a while.  All he's doing is making stuff to get us all fat."  Taris tapped his belly with a meaty hand.  It did look a little rounder since the last time Jax saw him.  "Pirates can't afford to get all gouty and cholesteroly."

If you're interested in participating in next week's SFF Saturday, stop by their sign-up blog which is open every Wednesdays.  And don't forget to follow the rules and use the #SFFSat hashtag.

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks!! I had fun coming up with them. :) Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Gouty and cholesteroly...I love it! Isn't the point of piracy stealing riches to get rich yourself and live the high life? Maybe I missed something. Great snippet!

  3. Had me smiling and chuckling throughout this stuff! :-)

  4. Nice, health conscious pirates.

  5. Indeed. All true adventures know they must watch the waistline. More fruits and veggies. Ease up on those carbs, Cookie!

  6. Taris is absolutely right! You can't be swinging in the rigging if you look like humpty-d!
    Great snippet, Mrs T! Garter cake sounds like me kind of treat! lol

  7. Gouty and cholesteroly! LOL!! I love it! I really am looking forward to this book.

  8. I was smiling or laughing through almost this entire snippet. Loved it! The characterization is fantastic.

  9. Great charaicterization! Love the cook already.

  10. Cholesteroly and gouty. LOL

  11. Sounds like Cookie is more into taste than nutrition.

    1. Of course! ;P Food has to have flavour to be enjoyed. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. So they live on more than "protein in all the colors of the rainbow"? Sign me up for a tour on their boat!

  13. It takes two to tango. Though it sounds like Taris could do with the exercise... :D
