Friday, 15 February 2013

SFFSat - Feb 16

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday (SFFSat) is a place where a bunch of us post snippets from our written works and also shoot the breeze a little. And before I get ahead of myself, thanks and appreciation as always to those who stop by and leave fantastic comments.

Today, I'm going to share a snippet from a new WIP, a short story spun off from the full-length (completed but undergoing tweaks) Bengaria's War. This short is titled, Bengaria's Promise, and follows the life of the main protag, Ryn Bengaria. Some of you may remember her as I shared a few snippets from BW already.

Ryn is now Ambassador (quite a step down from being Queen, but she wanted it so). While en route to the main planet to oversee an Alliance Treaty, she is intercepted by the relative of an old adversary, who wants her dead. Meanwhile, in this scene, Ryn and her bodyguard, Aiya, are forced to land on a derelict docking platform. Aiya, ever the suspicious Nezu (the name for the feared Nezu Colonists - long story) suspects their shuttle captain of underhanded deeds...

            Aiya leaned closer. “How well do you know of this Captain Garrak?”

Ryn drew her mouth into a line. “He was approved by Captain Amis. I trust Amis with my life.”
“Anyone’s loyalty can be bought.” Aiya leaned back and directed her glare into the cockpit.
The shuttle made a sharp jerk, bringing a gasp from Ryn. She gripped the armrest and gritted her teeth. She hated space travel.

If you are interested in participating in next weeks SFFSat, just click HERE, and follow the rules. Sign up is open every Wednesday - and if you're on Twitter, use the #SFFSat hashtag.



  1. This reminds me of the old days, getting cabs late at night and my bestie would make a big show of taking the taxi driver's registration number, she used to say if I hadn't called her from my home in fifteen minutes she was calling the police! They must have thought we were nuts! But I can totally get the nerves, nice scenario :)

  2. I've noticed a common trait between Aiya and Josie Bettencourt: they don't like space travel. Good snippet!

    1. Hee hee. You mean Ryn and Josie. A common trait, it would seem. And, uhhh...Jax would agree with you too. Must be the writer's distaste for air travel...or any sort of travel. ;D

  3. Great exchange between these two. Can't wait to see who's right about Cpt. Garrack. Great snippet!

  4. Loyalty is always a tough one--because betrayal often follows. Intriguing, T.K.

    :) Heidi

    1. Thanks Heidi. Yeh, I did plan on the captain to be a goodie...but decided, what the hell, let's stir things up a bit.

  5. A question of trust - always good for dramatic tension. And the details nicely describe the two somewhat different characters. Good snippet!

    1. Thanks! Phew...guess i did that right then. :D

  6. Hmm. Just how derelict is that derelict docking platform?

    1. Fairly beat up, but not so beat up. It's now more of a way station for wayward folks...

  7. Sounds like me and airplanes.

    Knowing who to trust is always such a hard thing. Can't wait to see if they've been betrayed!

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone. I love to travel, but loath the travelling part.

  8. Hey... This snippet looks oddly familiar. It's like...I've read this before.



    1. Does it? ;P Having deja vu moments, are we?

  9. "Anyone's loyalty can be bought" - how very true, sadly.
