Friday, 1 March 2013

SFFSat - March 02

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday (SFFSat) is a place where a bunch of us post snippets from our written works and also shoot the breeze a little. And before I get ahead of myself, thanks and appreciation as always to those who stop by and leave fantastic comments.

Today, I'm going to share a snippet from a novella that was released yesterday and available on Amazon. YAY!!
Welcome back to the world of Jax Marlin, sexy vigilante, and Special Inspector Michael Pedroni. PURGED IN FIRE has already been released in an anthology collection, however, I've added a few little tweaks and pulls in this version.

In this scene, we have Pedroni meeting up with a fellow Inspector on a pleasure station where Jax Marlin is supposedly planning her next attack...

            “Don’t be daft, Pedroni. The Marlin is here for Moor. He’s just her type of criminal and when it goes down, he’s mine. This is the Ring…my turf.”

“Go right ahead, he’s yours.” Pedroni had no desire to claim bragging rights on Moor; he only wanted Jax. “Just don’t get in my way, Ryder. I’ve had enough of eager cops getting in the way, just to get to Jax.”
“Oh,” Ryder jerked his head with surprise and a slow smile spread across his fleshy mouth. “Jax, is it now?”

If you are interested in participating in next weeks SFFSat, just click HERE, and follow the rules. Sign up is open every Wednesday - and if you're on Twitter, use the #SFFSat hashtag.



  1. I got my copy already and I cannot wait to read it! Lurve Jax and Pedroni.

    Very sly "Jax, is it now?" I LOVE that!

    1. Hee hee. THANKS JC!! I'm sure you'll LURVE it. :D

  2. Congratulations. I'll have to check this out. Great snippet

  3. Your cover is killer. Now, I've got one more title to add to my list of to-buy an TBR. This interaction is great. I love the knowing smile at the end and the description of it being "fleshy."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks, JM. I may have had a...ahem...wee hand in the design. :D

  4. Ooooh those slips of the tongue.... can't fool those Inspectors for a minute. Good luck with your launch!!

  5. Never a good idea when you get to a first name basis with your perp. Congrats on the release! It's a great series.

  6. Thanks!! Have to admit, the Marlin series is my fave to write.

  7. I think he's obsessed with her in more ways than one.

  8. Uh, oh! Did our inspector make a slip of the tongue? I smell trouble. Looking forward to reading this one, too!

  9. Oops...looks like Pedroni tipped his hand in this one. Can't wait to read this one.

    1. Haha! Thanks. I think you may have already seen this one an anthology.

  10. Haha! Awesome snippet! Looks like someone is getting a little too cloooooose.

    1. Thank you! A little too think! ;D

  11. So they're on a first name basis, huh. :)

    Great snippet!

  12. Oooo...“Jax, is it now?”--The Romantic in me loves where this is going :)

  13. Always dangerous to get emotionally involved in your work - sometimes the emotions can shift and take you into uncharted waters. Does Pedroni realise what he is saying when he comments that he "only wants Jax"? One of those nice phrases that can carry more than one meaning...
