Friday, 22 March 2013

SFFSat - March 23

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday (SFFSat) is a place where a bunch of us post snippets from our written works and also shoot the breeze a little. And before I get ahead of myself, thanks and appreciation as always to those who stop by and leave fantastic comments.

Moving on today to a brand new WIP. It's still untitled (and that irks my OCD tendencies...perhaps that's why it's now sitting on the back burner while I scratch my head for a suitable title. Anyone got any ideas?)

The story is about a young woman, Ranger Serafina Derwynde, who works for the Acquisition Guild - an agency that procures and retrieves items of historical and human interest. Sort of like an official scavenging agency...with training and university studies specifically targeted to such items of interest and their historical background. Not to mention ways and means to successfully procure them - by whatever means (force) necessary.
It just so happens that Serafina stumbles across a hulking generation ship - one thought to have been lost for millennia. (By now you've probably guessed that it's set way into the future...way way...)

The following is the very first opening lines in the tale...

            Come again?” Serafina Derwynde scratched her head and leaned back in the pilot seat.
“Shida Class, Generation Model, DS-057,” the onboard AI repeated, pitching its masculine tone to sound mildly irritated.
To the best of Serafina’s knowledge and remembered history lessons, Shida Class generation ships no longer existed—at least, not since the Migration, two thousand nine hundred and eighty-six years ago. A find like this would set her up for life, not to mention the fame it would bring.
“Are you sure, Bertram?” A quiver of excitement raced through Serafina; she envisioned early retirement and a brand new ship with a new artificial intelligence interface—one without attitude. Maybe a small outpost station to call her own. “Run it again.

If you are interested in participating in next weeks SFFSat, just click HERE, and follow the rules. Sign up is open every Wednesday - and if you're on Twitter, use the #SFFSat hashtag.



  1. This is a really intriguing concept. I'm wondering... does "acquisition" of historical artifacts require time travel???

    1. That would be cool. But, alas, no time travelling in this one... Thanks!

  2. Lol. But I love the AI interface's attitude.

    I have a feeling she might not get the new ship she wants, so he might stick around ... :)

  3. I think this is a really good start! It has my interest piqued to read on! I like the AI attitude bits, and we also get a nice image of Serafina's character in just a few short paragraphs.

    More, please! I'm excited to read more!

  4. Anything that looks like a free lunch often carries a hidden price tag. Will be interested to see what comes from this. :)

    1. I know, right! I'm motivated by these comments to make some more notes on the plot. Thanks!!

  5. Aston sez: Beware of stranded ships that seem like a great meal ticket...and of course, always believe your ship's computer. :-P

    1. And Aston is oh so right! I have a feeling Serafina will come to love her computer...just saying. ;D

  6. Like Aston, Anna knows from experience about finding something too good to be true. There's always something to muck things up. As for a computer with an attitude, that's another story.

    Title suggestion: Lost Legacy

    1. You're right on that! Can I say Anna's original computer inspired 'Bertram' to be born? That's a cool title. I shall put that in my list for sure! Thanks!

  7. It really does what you expect in an opening and gives us a solid feel for where the story is heading (or at least where we're expecting it to head). Great set up. For some reason, I really like the name Bertram for the AI and the banter is great, especially since she's already thinking about how to replace Bertram - I suspect he'll be around awhile. Cool concept - as time passes on - the amount of antiques and treasures keep amassing.

    1. Thank you!! And yes, I suspect the same thing about Bertram. Hee hee!

  8. I always thought "acquisition" was an awesome word, so I suggest a title including that, as it is relative to the book. Now, what with that? I've no idea. :) These are great opening lines. We've got a great feel for the world, the character and an introduction to an AI with quirk--always great. We're immediately interested as the action has already started.

    1. Oh, cool. Thank you!! Yeh, I've always loved that word too. I'll take your title suggestion to consideration as well...has a nice ring to it.

  9. Sounds like the profit motive is alive and well.

    1. That's for sure! Time never does change the need to 'acquire' things... ;P

  10. A computer with an attitude. A very old generation ship.

    What could *possibly* go wrong? :)

    Great beginning!

  11. I'm really interested to see where this goes. I could definitely see this as a series. Interesting set up and character interaction.

    also for a title I would go for 'Relic Ranger'or 'Scavangress'
