I'm still featuring my work in progress, The Grosjean Chronicles. The story revolves around Captain Alanis Grosjean, a Space Marine (featured briefly in book 2 of my Lancaster Trilogy). She's a no-nonsense, fire-breathing lady with beguiling elfin feautres who has an unpredictable temper and poops out nails. Capt. Grosjean's mission in this tale is to capture the notorious space pirate Norstrom and his crew on board the Drunken Sailor...
In this scene, Capt. Grosjean and her team discover a message from the pirate Norstrom, and we have Dr. Mica's POV as he witnesses Grosjean's reaction. I might add that Mica is a little infatuated with her...
Grosjean took a breath; she’d been taking a lot of them since they found the message stuck to the underside of the agrostation. A magnetic message sticker, one of those fanciful ones that came in different shapes and designs. This one took the form of a man’s penis, so that when you slid your finger down its shaft, it played back the recorded message.
Captain Norstrom had left her a very crude and cocky message, filled with many ‘darlings’ and ‘love bunnys’ and ‘sweehearts.’ A literal taunt and a dare to catch him if she could, and quote, “…just like old times, my Petunia.”
Mica could’ve sworn she nearly paled after hearing the recording the patrol found. In fact, she looked nauseous. He shuffled a little closer, unable to resist being near her. Then he realized she might clock him in the eye, so he froze.
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Thanks for stopping by!
I'm pretty sure I'd never get to hear a message left for me *that* way. :-P
ReplyDeleteBut if you're going to leave one that way, you should definitely make it "cocky"...hee hee. :-)
Great snippet (as always)!
Ingenious little device you came up with there! And, I love the use of words throughout this snippet (e.g.: cocky message). Great little excerpt!
ReplyDeleteI am really loving this guy Norstrom! This is some great stuff! I can't wait to read this one!
ReplyDeleteHehe...yes, Norstrom is quite a character. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteOh man, please don't let those magnetic messages, in that shape, become common issue. I have two sons that would have WAY too much fun leaving them in unsuitable places.
ReplyDeleteSo the captain and the pirate have History? Interesting!
ReplyDeleteInteresting... I wonder if this is a good thing or not. I'm leaning toward not, but we shall see.
ReplyDeleteThis is definitely a pirate with attitude. Don't think I'd like him in the flesh, but he sounds like an interesting character.
ReplyDeleteI'm cringing - still recovering from the "cocky" message.
ReplyDeleteMy husband would tell her to pee on his joystick. lol. great snippet. Loved it! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks everyone for stopping by. I have to admit, I did have a good chuckle when I wrote that little bit.
ReplyDeleteI like Mica's reaction. Especially the last line.
ReplyDeleteIf I was him I'd be stepping back to avoid the shrapnel when she explodes!