Friday, 27 September 2013

SFFSat - Sept 28

Science Fiction Fantasy Saturday (SFFSat) is a place where a bunch of us post snippets from our written works and also shoot the breeze a little. And before I get ahead of myself, thanks and appreciation as always to those who stop by and leave fantastic comments.

Okay... Last week, our two heroes just dived into their drop ship to escape and we learned the on board computer is called Elmo.

A little preamble for those who don't know: Two characters on an old ship that looked like it originated from the 1960s. They discover a creature that looks suspiciously like a dinosaur, but more like a dragon...they scramble.
You can catch the previous ones:
Part 1: here.
Part 2: here.
Part 3: here.
Part 4: here.
Part 5: here.
Part 6: here.
Part 7: here.
Part 8: here.

And now for this week...

The hatch doors slammed shut, instant silence greeted us for but a brief second. A horrific crash against the hull made us lurch inside.

“Elmo, take off. Now!” I sat, frozen, like one waiting for an accident to happen.
The drop ship trembled, running through the usual take off sequences. Thrusters fired up rapidly with a deep burp, the engines screamed as it engaged for maximum elevation—
The creature rammed the drop ship again. Mason fell flatter, having never gotten up in the first place. I gritted my teeth.

Oh no!! And then what will happen? Stay tuned next week, same bat time, same bat channel.

If you are interested in participating in next weeks SFFSat, just click HERE, and follow the rules. Sign up is open every Wednesday - and if you're on Twitter, use the #SFFSat hashtag.



  1. You are an action queen, T.K.! Those ten lines go really a tease.

  2. I went back and read this from the beginning - and loved it! I'm a great fan of pulp action, and this is wonderful! Never give your heroes a chance to breathe, and when things look bad - make them get worse! A dinosaur? No, a dragon, and it isn't going to let its lunch get away. I like this - I'm looking forward to seeing how our heroine gets out of this one!

    1. Cheers, Peter! Thanks and good to see you back as well.

  3. I still say they're going to take of and head for the space mall for some shopping where many pairs of shoes will be purchased. Or ... they'll get eaten. It could go either way.

    1. You know, the more I think about it, a shopping spree sounds pretty good! Hmm....

  4. I'm not sure how sturdy that ship is, but let's hope it can withstand a few more blows from the monster...because I have a feeling it's going to take a little longer.

    1. Hmm, you're right. I wonder how much it can'll just have to find out. ;P

  5. Uh oh. Anyone thinking "Jurassic Park" yet?

  6. I love how you personified the ship. I'm beginning to think of it/Elmo as a person.

  7. Question is, will the dragon personify (or dragonify) it when it starts spouting flame? Could get real interesting it if thinks the drop ship is a dragon of the opposite sex.

    1. Oh! Sue Ann, you put an idea in my head.... :) thanks!

  8. Wow! That snippet went quick. Ten lines just isn't enough sometimes. I'm thinking either this dragon is really hungry or just wants a hug.
