These days,
we’re all too familiar with that hashtagging business, so, no need to
explain myself. However, talk to people outside of the Twitterverse,
and they give you that ‘huh’ look. Such is the case, once more, with my
orbiting satellites who do not transmit the usual social networking

It can be very distracting.
Of course, they want more of the Lancaster Trilogy (I'm beginning to think they don’t quite understand the word ‘trilogy’), and want to know what happens next. It’s hard not to stamp my foot and throw a tantrum and tell them to…well…you know what I mean. Seriously, I do have other things to write about. While I feel quite flattered they’d want more Lancaster stuff (so great for the ego, btw), I have moved on with my imaginary life.
now, I’m waist-deep in a new story (Hear that folks? New story) titled To Catch A Marlin. Each day, I find myself anxious to dive
in (barring there's no distractions from the real world—but boy, they
can’t seem to take a hint) and hack away at the keyboard to conjure up
words. And like the last work in progress I just completed, I’m
noticing I’ve become anti-social again. Well, more so than usual. It’s
like 75% of my attention is still lodged into the new world in my head,
while the other 25% performs the usual day-to-day tasks. I have been
told I tend to ‘wander’ (I never really noticed that until it was
brought to my attention) and my temper tantrums tend to rise
miraculously too (just picture a protective dog guarding her pups with
bared teeth and nasty little snaps). I've even got the 'go-away' glower
down pat (oh, and the growl).
Of course, I’m not really conscious of these occurrences (it could be PMS too—just saying), especially when I’m only
utilizing 25% of my brain. I mean, seriously, there’s multitasking,
and then there's micro-multitasking. Jeez, I can’t do everything and
be aware I’m doing it! Hubby has learned to read the signals well (for
self-preservation reasons) and quite enjoys when #amwriting. He can
surf the TV channels to his hearts content.
you do know this is all tongue-and-cheek (not really…kidding, kidding)
and I’m sure most of you do, or are afflicted with the same. Maybe I
should do like those construction workers and put up a sign saying:
‘Work In Progress: #amwriting.’ Even better: ‘Disturb At Your Own
Risk.’ No? Too blunt? #justsaying.
I any case, I shall get back to #amwriting…