Monday, 29 December 2014
It's Been Like Forever...
So, what's been up with me? Well, all sorts of things, and all sorts of nothings. To say I've fallen into your typical writer's slump is but an understatement. Honestly, I've not written anything new since my last post back in June. But don't despair, I have been fixing some of my writing, so, not completely out of the writing game. Then of course I've been juggling with my graphic arts day job, and life's demands to be social and entertaining with live humans around me, taking the annual holiday, then, whaddaya know -- it's Christmas time and all sorts of distractions bombard you!
To recap, since I've gotten the rights to my Lancaster Trilogy books back from the publishers in April, I've been attacking them and hacking away to make them a more solid read. That means re-editing them and tweaking the weak areas and hopefully fix the issues I had with it the first time around. Hopefully. It's a huge task, but I'm determined to finish it. Stay tuned. Once I've gotten them properly edited after I've mucked about with them, I'll be ready to push them out again.
Well...umm...That basically has been taking up most of my time. And my OCD tendencies won't allow me to continue on with anything else until it's done.
Anyways, in a couple days, 2014 comes to an end. I can't say it's been an amazing year (writing wise), but it's been a year of re-focusing and re-directing my goals as a writer. I look forward to 2015 with new focus and hopefully get to achieve all I've set out to do. Here's hoping everyone else has an amazing 2015!!
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
SLAYERS Anthology is OUT!
Check it out folks, my new short story, WE COME IN PEACE, is part of this amazing SLAYERS collection, which was just released through 7DS Books.
And just what is the Slayer's anthology all about?
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Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Meet My Main Character Blog Hop
1. What is the name of your main character? Is she/he fictional or a historical person?
Jax Marlin is most definitely all made up. She is a vigilante, a path she chose from very early on in her young life. It's her calling.
2. When and where is the story set?
The story is set 300 years in our future. I quite like that era, and I've already done another story in that time, so you can say I'm quite familiar with it. In this future, we've got amazing gadgets and technology, there's space travel (of course!), humongous space stations scattered throughout the galaxy, and space pirates (some of which are really good friends with Jax). In the Marlin short story series, I've have the opportunity to scatter the storylines throughout the world and into space. Makes for such fun writing!
3. What should we know about her?
Jax is a complex person. She's a mixture of characters/personalities all balled up into one. For one thing, seeing someone do bad riles her up. Yet, she'd do anything, even something worse to stop the bad thing from happening without thinking twice. She's a confident woman, smart and well-educated, a techno-geek, an expert at martial arts, but in an instant, real, crippling fear can plague her, cutting her down to an insecure mess. Jax has her own demons, especially the one inside her, that she must fight and control. She also has tendency to be obsessive-compulsive, has a wicked sweet-tooth and unhealthy appetite for junk food, but is also disciplined enough to perform her daily exercise regime without fail. She's cold, calculated, ruthless, determined, has a wicked sense of humour, and walks around with the self-assured knowledge that if you want something done right, you do it yourself. And, as if she didn't already have a complex personality to deal with and all the troubles that brings, she's fallen madly and insensibly in love with the one person that can destroy her, an inspector chasing her. Of course, Special Inspector Pedroni has also fallen for her charms...
4. What is the main conflict?
While each short story, coming off from the main novel, To Catch A Marlin, has its own set of conflicts and story arc, the main conflict throughout the entire series is the fact that Jax has fallen for the cop that's chasing her -- and he's in the same boat. There is much resistance at the thought of falling in love with a cop, everything inside her resists the very notion. As the storyline progresses, we see how she (they both) deal with it.
5. What is the personal goal of the character?
To stop bad things from happening to good people. Plain and simple. And how to have a happily ever after despite the life she's chosen. As Jax sees it, it's a tough life, but someone's gotta do it. As much as she wants her own happily ever after, she knows what she must sacrifice in order to fight crime.
6. What is the significance of the title of your book?
The main novel, To Catch A Marlin, well, that pretty much speaks for itself (of course, some might confuse it with a book of fishing...I may have to rethink it and relabel). The subsequent shorts since each have a catchy name, relevant to the storyline in the tale.
7. When can we expect the book to be published?
To Catch A Marlin is already out and available at Amazon. You can find the short stories (so far) all listed on my Author Page. So far, there are only 6 shorts completed in the projected 10. So keep checking back!
Well, this has been fun! Next up is Patrick Stutzman. Also, click back, too, to see what characters came before.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Cover Reveal for the Nogiku series by SJ Pajonas
Here's a picture with all four covers:
by SJ Pajonas
Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic
Age category: Young Adult, Adult
Release Date: June 1, 2014
Get immersed in the Nogiku world with Jiro Itō as he gets ready for a boring and annoying New Year’s Eve out in Nishikyō. At least, that’s what he expects his night to be like. Jiro would rather drink with the geisha all evening, and avoid taking anyone home, but he has family business to attend to instead. When the family business leads to an unfamiliar restaurant, Jiro spies Sanaa Griffin smiling at him from across the room, and his night turns around.
But Mark Sakai, his uncle, is not pleased with Jiro’s flirtations. Mark has worked hard for over a decade to get Sanaa into position for her new life, and he can’t have Jiro interfering. Will a stern warning be enough to keep them apart?
PART ONE of REVEALED is a companion short story to REMOVED, Book ONE of the Nogiku Series. The first chapter of REMOVED is included at the end of PART ONE. Read REVEALED first or read it later, but don’t miss this look into the other side of Sanaa’s story.
Approximately 10,000 words.
You can find Revealed: Part One: New Year’s Eve with Jiro and Mark on Goodreads
You can buy Revealed here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Kobo
- iBooks
by SJ Pajonas
Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic
Age category: Young Adult, Adult
Release Date: September 11, 2013
Duty knows no family. Love has no price. Secrets can cost you everything.
Twenty-year-old Sanaa Griffin is about to get more than she bargained for when she wishes for love, happiness, and excitement on New Year’s Eve. Ripped from the job she always loved, she is reassigned to work for mysterious Mark Sakai and spy on the corrupt leaders of her city. War looms on the horizon, and Sanaa must help Sakai determine the key players and their weak spots before it’s too late.
Mark Sakai has many plans for Sanaa that will take her into a web of lies and danger, and her only protection is to learn to defend herself. But defense training under the watchful eye of Jiro, a strong and enigmatic young man she has a crush on, was not what she expected. Between falling in love with Jiro and the information she is gathering, Sanaa realizes Sakai is holding back secrets about her family and her deceased parents, secrets as to why she was chosen for this job, and learning the truth puts all of humanity in jeopardy.
REMOVED is the first book in a captivating post-apocalyptic series that harnesses the cultures and traditions of Japan and sweeps them into the future between Earth and a faraway land.
You can find Removed on Goodreads
Want to view some inspirational images for Removed, visit the Removed inspirational Pinterest board
You can buy Removed here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- iBooks
- Kobo
You can watch the trailer for Removed here:
by SJ Pajonas
Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic
Age category: Young Adult, Adult
Release Date: December 17, 2013
Left in the desert to recuperate from her injuries, Sanaa Itami paces the floors and contemplates her mistakes. She trusted too easily, and now people she loved are dead, killed at the hands of men coming to assassinate her. Sanaa feels beaten, but life awaits her at home. While her city recovers from the devastating earthquake, negotiations for Sanaa's future continue. New allies must be made, new friendships brokered, new skills acquired -- at all costs.
Life at the top of the chain is complicated and lonely, though. With all her friendships rocky and uncertain, Sanaa must learn to trust others again more than she's willing. Who is left holding a grudge? And will the new family Sanaa has found with Jiro support or betray her?v
RELEASED, Book TWO of the Nogiku Series, is the second book in a captivating post-apocalyptic romance series that harnesses the cultures and traditions of Japan and sweeps them into the future between Earth and a faraway land.
You can find Released on Goodreads
You can buy Released here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Kobo
- iBooks
by SJ Pajonas
Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic
Age category: Young Adult, Adult
Release Date: August 14, 2014
Yūsei has surprises for Sanaa Itami. The long trip across the stars ends with Mark Sakai delivering bad news from orbit over their new home, and there’s no turning back or moving on. Despite all their misgivings, this is where they will have to stay.
Sanaa, Jiro, and the rest of Earth’s settlers move into a coastal town and stick to their plans to live the colonization life they dreamed of. But Sanaa’s existence won’t be kept secret from her enemies for long. Kazuo promised he would see her in another life, on another world, and he aims to keep his word. Now she will face those who want their revenge and make new enemies while dispensing with old ones on her journey across the fascinating and unfamiliar landscape of Yūsei.
REUNITED, Book THREE of the Nogiku Series, is the third book in a captivating post-apocalyptic romance series that harnesses the cultures and traditions of Japan and sweeps them into the future between Earth and a faraway land.
You can find Reunited on Goodreads
You can read Revealed: Part One for free! And the price for Removed has been permanently dropped to 0.99$. Haven't started this series yet? Pick up your copy today!
S. J. Pajonas loves all things Asian and has been in love with Japan and the East for as long as she can remember. Writing about Asia and Japan came naturally after studying the culture and language for over fifteen years. She studied film and screenwriting first and eventually segued into fiction once she was no longer working a full-time job.
Face Time is the first novel in the Love in the Digital Age series, and Pajonas’s first foray into Korean culture and families. Along with Removed and Released in the Nogiku Series, she continues to take the cultures of Asia and weave them into stories that appeal to people from around the world. Her writing is described as unique and unpredictable. Expect the unexpected.
Stephanie lives with her husband and two children just outside of New York City. She loves reading, writing, film, J- and K-dramas, knitting, and astrology. Her favorite author is Haruki Murakami and favorite book is The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.
You can find and contact her here:
- Website
- Goodreads
- Flickr
- Tumblr
And there's a cover reveal wide giveaway! You can win a 10$ gift card for Itunes of Starbucks or one of the 3 e-copies of Released!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Friday, 2 May 2014
A Little Update Is In Order...
So, it's been a while since I just rambled off and spilled the contents of my brain onto this blog. To be honest, I've been a little scattered and busy with writing projects and trying to make sure I've accomplished stuff on my 'to do' list. And then, as per usual, life interrupts and throws everything out of whack.
Anyhoo. So here's a little update on what's up with TK.
On the writing front, a new Jax Marlin novella was just released over the Easter weekend. Titled The Edge of the Blade, this is #6 in the Marlin short story series. I've just completed #7, The Angel of Mercy, and it's currently with my beta readers. Three more shorts to go in order to complete the 10-series. I'm getting there.
And now, some bigger news. Since signing on with Champagne Books Group in 2009 and releasing the Lancaster Trilogy with them, I've decided it was time to move on. Believe me, the decision was not made lightly, especially after the lengthy ordeal of submissions and queries and the usual heart-wrenching stuff every writer must go through. And, I'm sure most new writers will agree, a publishing deal is a big deal. It's like a sort of validation that your work is good enough to be (even) considered worthy of publishing (this applies to getting an agent as well).
I've been with CBG for five years and in those five years, I've grown and have a better understanding of the literary world. I've learned loads, and it's through my association with them that I was able to do so. For that, I'm forever grateful.
With the rights back since the end of last month, I've been furiously tweaking some aspects of the the first novel (my debut) that I've been wanting to do. As a writer, I've grown, and the way I write now is a little different from how I used to write. While I debated whether or not to change certain aspects of it, in the end, the quality of the work is what mattered most to me, as well as the content. So, without ruining the overall storyline, I've been dealing with issues that were bothering me. Point of view shifts, a lot of passive voice sentences, that sort of thing. The end result, I'm hoping, will be a stronger, tighter, and better structured novel. Once I've done so, I'm going to dig into the other two in the trilogy and tidy them up as well.
In the end, I'd like to rebrand each, release again to the world, and this time, try the self-publishing route. Wish me luck.
And then, onto more writing projects that I've been keeping warm on the backburner. The monster novel (not real monsters) Bengaria's War still needs my attention. Another epicky novel is (I have a title for it now!) The Acquisition of the Levi. There are various other short stories as well, Time Fracture being one of them.
This month, if I'm correct, also marks the release of another short in an anthology collection. I shall keep you posted on that.
And then, on the personal front, lots of interruptions, mostly good and fun. Except right now where I have some serious plumbing issues. Old pipes leaking, then leaking through the walls and dripping ominously through a crack very similar to the crack in Dr. Who...scary. Of course, with old pipes, they tend to be very in the end, we decided to let the plumber just rip them all out and lay down some new ones. So, two bathrooms are piled high with broken masonry and tiles, dust and grit and whatnots, not to mention the multiple holes (ginormous craters) in the walls. Oh, and the constant flow of strangers tramping through the house, with power drills, hammers, etc...and dust. So much dust. Hopefully by the weekend we'll have our bathroom back (at least) so we can actually have a proper shower. Garden hose shower's while sounds fun the first time, get's a little old the second time around.
And that, in a nutshell, is what's up with me.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Friday, 11 April 2014
SFFSat - April 12
This snippet comes from THE EDGE OF THE BLADE, #6 in the To Catch a Marlin short story series. It's scheduled for release April 18.
In this snippet, we have our favourite vigilante watching as her copper, Pedroni, has a private moment dealing with an issue. As Jax stands guard, giving Pedroni some space, they are surrounded by a group of junkies.
If you are interested in participating in next weeks SFFSat, just click HERE, and follow the rules. Sign up is open every Wednesday - and if you're on Twitter, use the #SFFSat hashtag.
Friday, 21 March 2014
Blog Hop - Writing Processes, et al...
What am I working on?
At the moment, I'm trying to finish up #7 in the short stories series for To Catch A Marlin, (which was a full-length sci-fi, action-adventure story). Of course, I'm afflicted with numerous distractions and also that proverbial block that keeps smacking me in the head. So, aside from imaginary concussions and wandering-mind-syndrome, I'm plodding along. Hopefully I'll be done before the end of the month. Since this series is also about solving a mystery, sometimes I have to bend my mind and think like a criminal and make sure all the little loose ends are tied up and 'solve the mystery' in a nice, neat package. It's harder than it sounds. So, what's the distraction I'm suffering from? There's another huge full-length novel that I'm trying to finish up. While its 'completed' there's still a lot more work that it needs. It's a monstrosity that I've been working on for the last 3 years. My goal is to finish it by summer.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Uhm, good question. To date, I've written four novels and various short stories, all of which have been fortunate enough to be accepted by publishers who actually wanted to publish them. I'm still kinda wondering how I did that...but they must've seen something worth publishing, right? Going by reviews and reader comments and what editors have told me, they've all agreed that my stories are strongly character-driven and my action scenes written effortlessly. Wow. But, it's true in a sense. I'm enamoured with my characters, enough that I want to tell their stories and make it all about them. Just like I love reading stories about characters with incredible stories to tell, who are unforgettable, I want to offer the same to my readers. While I like to read tech-stuff -- especially if it's a science fiction tale -- I don't like it so much when it goes overboard. I try to keep my tech-stuff toned down. My stories are about the people, their adventure, the tech just helps them along the way.
How does your writing process work?
I blow thought bubbles that float about that pop and sprinkle story-dust inside my head. Nah... Ideas just come and smack me in the face, or worm their way into my head, or join up from other ideas and merge and fester until a new story emerges. Once the idea is there and I like it enough, I'll write a few outline notes and think on it some more. Since I like things done in chronological order, I usually need to see a clear beginning, a middle, and an end in my notes. If I don't 'see' it, then I get frustrated and shelve the idea for a while. Lately, what I've been doing, as a test or something like an experiment, is diving straight in and just writing. It's a different way for me (pantsing, is what it's called, as opposed to plotting), but it's not unpleasant. I think, with a little more practice, I can smoothly incorporate the two methods. What doesn't help in the writing process is that same thing called distractions. Right now, I've got about three stories ideas, one of which is clearly outline and which I'm itching to start. Soon.
So that's about it really. Since my job now is to tag someone else, I'm grabbing T.M. Hunter, whose numerous science fiction tales of Aston West has entertained me countless times. Check out his site right HERE!
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Cover Reveal: THE MAN WHO LOVED ALIEN LANDSCAPES - Albert Wendland
"Inside are alien worlds and titanic space habitats and a brilliant and paranoid hero, all skillfully blended together with long-vanished galactic secrets. Science fiction… good science fiction, by a college professor of literature who loves good SF." -- From the foreword by William H. Keith, New York Times Bestselling Science Fiction Author.
Monday, 17 February 2014
New Anthology Coming Soon!
I've got a shiny new pretty to show off. Coming soon, my short Sci-Fi story in the 7DS Books 'SLAYERS' anthology collection. And you guessed it...'Death Is Coming...' A collection of stories all about death.
Also on board is Darke Conteur, Quincy J. Allen, Laurie Lyons, Solange Nicole, Alyse M. Gardner and Jae L. Malone.
Stay tuned!
Friday, 24 January 2014
NOGIKU Series Blog Tour - SJ Pajonas
This is my stop during the blog tour for the Nogiku Series by SJ Pajonas. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours . The blog tour runs from January 20 till February 2, you can view the complete tour schedule on the Nogiku series blog tour page on the website of Lola's Blog Tours.
I've asked SJ Pajonas to do a guest post, and here's what she chose to write about. I'm sure you'll find it fascinating. Admittedly, growing up in Barbados, with Japanese parents, I can't recall ever having played any of these.
History of Japanese Gambling Games
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More photos or video tagged with Japan gambling on Flickr
So far this series contains two book: Removed (Nogiku series #1) and Released (Nogiku series #2).
By SJ Pajonas
Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic
Age category: New Adult
Release Date: September 11, 2013
Blurb:You can find Removed on Goodreads
Duty knows no family. Love has no price. Secrets can cost you everything. Twenty-year-old Sanaa Griffin, a sweet and smart half-Japanese girl, is about to get more than she bargained for when she wishes for love and excitement on New Yearís Eve 3103. Mark Sakai, who knows more about her than any stranger should, thinks Sanaa is the perfect person to spy on the heads of the three biggest Japanese clan leaders in Nishikyo. He wants her to gather enough evidence to keep them from going to war when they land on Earthís colonization planet, Yusei. Nishikyo, built by the Japanese 300 years ago to house the rest of mankind, is failing and everyone is preparing to leave. Sakai has known Sanaaís family all her life but she knows nothing of him! And despite all the time they spend together, he keeps his distance from her. Then one day, he brings her to Jiro, his nephew, to learn sword fighting, and it changes her life irrevocably. Between falling in love with Jiro and the information she is gathering on the clans, Sanaa realizes Sakai is holding back secrets about her family and her deceased parents, secrets as to why she was chosen for this job, and learning the truth puts her and all of Nishikyo in danger.
Want to view some inspirational images for Removed, visit the Removed inspirational Pinterest board
You can buy Removed here:
- Amazon (Paperback)
- Amazon (Kindle)
- Barnes & Noble
- iBookstore
- Kobo
- Wattpad
You can watch the trailer for Removed here:
Released (Nogiku series #2)
by SJ Pajonas
Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Post-apocalyptic
Age category: New Adult
Release Date: December 17, 2013
**Contains spoilers for those who have not read REMOVED (Book 1) Left in the desert to recuperate from her injuries, Sanaa Itami paces the floors and contemplates her mistakes. She trusted too easily, and now people she loved are dead, killed at the hands of men coming to assassinate her. Sanaa feels beaten, but life awaits her at home. While Nishikyo recovers from the earthquake, negotiations for Sanaa's eventual rule on Yusei continue. New allies must be made, new friendships brokered, new skills acquired -- at all costs. Life at the top of the chain is complicated and lonely, though. With relations in Sakai clan rocky and uncertain, Sanaa must learn to trust others again more than she's willing. Who amongst the clans is left holding a grudge? And will the new family Sanaa has found with Jiro support or betray her? From Nishikyo to Yusei, RELEASED, Book TWO of the Nogiku Series, is the second book in a captivating New Adult post-apocalyptic romance series that harnesses the cultures and traditions of Japan and sweeps them into the future between Earth and a faraway land.
You can find Released on Goodreads
You can buy Released here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble
- Kobo
About the Author:
S. J. Pajonas loves all things Asian and has been in love with Japan for as long as she can remember. Writing about Asia and Japan came naturally after studying the culture and language for over fifteen years. She studied film and screenwriting first and eventually segued into fiction once she was no longer working a full-time job.
Released is S. J. Pajonasís second work, book two of four in the Nogiku Series. The first book in the series, Removed, is described as ìa wonderful storyî with ìengaging characters, seamless world building, and an action packed plot.î Itís an ìup-til-3am-because-I-read-it-in-one-sitting book.î She also writes contemporary romance and her upcoming first book in the Love in the Digital Age series will be published in 2014.
S. J. lives with her husband and two children just outside of New York City. She loves reading, writing, film, J- and K-dramas, knitting, and astrology. Her favorite author is Haruki Murakami and favorite book is The Wind-up Bird Chronicle.
You can find and contact her here:
- Website
- Goodreads
- Flickr
- Tumblr
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of the Nogiku series. These are the prizes you can win: Amazon Gift Cards, copies of REMOVED, and eBook copies of two fantastic Japanese books: JAPANESE SOUL COOKING and THE SAKE HANDBOOK. Both will be gifted through either Amazon (kindle) or Barnes&Noble (nook).
Here are the links to both books on Amazon:
Sake Handbook on amazon:
Japanese Soul Cooking:
You can enter the tour wide giveaway here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Well, there you have it folks! Sounds fascinating, right? I've already downloaded my copy of Removed and I'm anxious to start reading it.
Cheers, and thanks for stopping by.